There’s no reason to be a ranged-only class. These weapons may do little damage but are fast and can make an aggressive enemy back off until reinforcements arrive. Many attackers will be surprised as they charge a defenceless archer only for them to whip out a knife. All archer sub-classes have access to a small weapon as a backup. This leads to making use of your secondary weapon and equipment. Plus, you can directly play the objective if it’s safe to do so. Finally, the most important thing is the objective, so don’t stay too far back if the objective is nowhere close – there’s no point killing enemies who aren’t contributing either.

Likewise, try to stay near the other archers on your team in case you go down. You still must be a valuable member of the team, so keep an eye out for downed teammates crawling towards you so you can revive them. While staying back in the safety of your spawn, don’t get tunnel vision. It can be best just to fire immediately as enemies will constantly be moving, so there’s little reason to waste time aiming when you could just keep raining down arrows. Don’t spend ages lining up your shot because you might still miss anyway. When aiming, you’re a sitting duck from other archers and from being flanked. Sometimes it’s best to just fire into the crowd. Hitting friendlies will happen, but while it doesn’t do as much damage, you should still try to avoid it. Try to hang back behind your teammates and fire through the gap and over their heads. Therefore you must try to avoid damage at much as you can, especially when having the bow equipped as you cannot block. You’ll only have 90, whereas, on the other end of the spectrum, knights will have 175. Your biggest weakness as an archer is your lack of health. Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the moment-to-moment gameplay. You can also use this time to find good sightlines and vantage points on the Team Objective maps that allow you to pick off enemies while still having good cover away from potential flanking routes.

Take the time to learn how the arrows travel and how they drop for each weapon. While the bots are pretty dumb and pose very little threat, they can give you the chance to practice in a stress-free environment. You can also adjust the score and time limit for the Deathmatch modes.
You can set up an offline match on any map or mode against a maximum of 32 bots. You should avoid changing things once you’re happy as you’ll need to get used to it again.Ī good way to practice is against bots. This may take a few hours, but over time you should find the sweet spot. Take a few games to go back and forth from the settings until you’re happy with where things are set. Now it’s time to get out there and test out the changes you’ve made. Some people prefer 1st person others prefer 3rd person. 3rd person gives you a wider field of view (FOV), allowing you to see incoming enemies from your sides and enable you to peek around corners while staying in cover, but 1st can allow for more precise aiming at a distance and is generally more immersive. This can be changed on the fly with the press of a button so it can be easier to try each one and see which you prefer best. One last option which should be considered is your gameplay perspective, 1st or 3rd person. This is just a guide for being an archer in Chivalry 2 everyone will have their preferred settings.

So just be aware that these options exist and take your time to explore them. Experiment with each option as this aspect is subjective but can greatly affect your ability to be accurate. This will help your aiming feel more responsive, and you’ll be able to control it better.

Other settings that should be adjusted are the right stick dead zone, aim response style and sensitivities. This makes it harder to target specific enemies in a crowd, for example, if you’re trying to take out an enemy archer or to go for a headshot and get past shields. It can be a bit too powerful and sticks your aim to the enemies quite aggressively. First up, you might want to turn off aim assist on ranged weapons if you’re playing with a controller. 7) Skirmisher Preferred Settings and Optionsīefore even getting into a match, you can fine-tune your settings to fit your own preferences.